Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Sara!

Welcome to the Lozano household in Baltimore, MD.  The date is September 11, 1996 and the time is around 8:00 pm. The evening is scheduled to be a busy one - the house is a disaster and we have family coming in the next day.  Rick's parents are coming to stay with Hannah on Friday while Rick, my mother and I go to the hospital to have a baby. I was scheduled to be induced.

Rick has made a wonderful dinner - perfectly grilled steak, steamed green beans and garlic mashed potatoes.

It's warm, so I get up after a couple of bites to change into shorts.  As I walk down the hall...well... the baby decides she's coming tonight.  A flurry of activity starts - phone calls, laundry thrown into the closet, sheets changed on the bed.  Hannah finds out what's going on and she's MAD - the baby coming tonight was NOT in her plans.

Baby comes, she is cute, she is loved...

Move forward in time 15 years.  Now I don't have a baby any more.  And Sara doesn't even look anything like she did when she was a baby (see the pictures above).  But what a magnificent young lady she is!

When Sara was a toddler she didn't know a stranger. She was gregarious, loving and even compassionate.  When she was 2 1/2, she went to pre-school and would comfort the other kids who were crying when their parents left.  The early summers were filled with her wandering around the pool hugging people - some she knew, some she didn't!

At 15, she's still gregarious, loving and compassionate.  Her hugs are about the best ones anyone could ever experience, and she gives them freely to those she loves. She's really funny too - and very smart. My favorite thing about her (besides everything else) is her musical talent.  Not only is she a talented violinist, that girl has a voice!  Oh - and you remember how mad Hannah was?  Well now they're best friends.  I love watching them together - the two most beautiful girls in the world!

Today is bittersweet for me.  I'm so proud of my girl - but every year is a year closer to her making her own way in the world.  Soon she'll be able to drive. In the not too distant future she'll be off to college.  I can't imagine a house without her shining presence in it, but I'm so excited to watch her grow into the awesome young woman she's turning into.  She has a bright future - mark my words.

So Happy Birthday, Sara.  I love you more than you'll ever know!

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